Greetings Newgrounds!
I've got a question for anybody who draws. Since my time in College, I've been doing a lot more coloring with my Traditional Hand Drawings. Before then I just used to Sketch Pencil everything out. Whenever I scan hand drawn art I can see how vastly different it is from most other artists' work on here--and I'm not saying that just because of the style. I've been introduced to Ink Pens, Graphite, and Markers, I guess(?)
That being said, I'm just wondering what the differences are between drawing on paper and drawing on a digital tablet--Preferably a Cintiq one? Any Pros and Cons worth mentioning? Also do you prefer Traditional Art over Digital or, Vice Versa? Why?
Personally, I'm so used to doing Traditional, so I worry about switching over some times, but it's always great to learn both!
Honestly I've never heard those words used to describe Art. I have to look those up it sounds interesting! I could be completely wrong, but would those three be abstract?